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Chenoa Lorenzo

A resident of Wauconda, it has been a dream to offer Yoga in our community. Presented with an amazing opportunity I am so grateful to host a new Yoga community. My appreciation to the teachers and students that have joined me on this journey. My Yoga journey began in my mid teens. Under the trees in a national forest, I first experienced the clarity, energy and unity the Yoga technologies create. The benefits of the Yoga technology are my motivation to share this ancient Science to all. A continuing journey it has been my quest to learn more techniques to share Yoga's benefits. I welcome students of all ages and encourage families to join in practice together. As I work to provide a holistic approach I received my Reiki master teacher certification. When I am not practicing Yoga I can be found at All Ways Healthy, which has provided me with many years education and support to my passion for health. I hope you too will experience the benefits of Yoga and begin your journey at Silver Lotus.
My Schedule
7 Saturday
9:00 AM
Hatha Yoga
with Chenoa Lorenzo
1 hour and 15 minutes
In Studio Class
8 Sunday
08:15 AM
Hatha Yoga
with Chenoa Lorenzo
1 hour
09:45 AM
Yoga & Sound
with Chenoa Lorenzo
1 hour
9 Monday
Hatha Yoga
with Chenoa Lorenzo
1 hour
In Studio Class
10 Tuesday
10:30 AM
Chair Yoga
with Chenoa Lorenzo
1 hour
In Studio Class
11 Wednesday
07:45 AM
Hatha Yoga
with Chenoa Lorenzo
1 hour
In Studio Class
12 Thursday
Nothing yet
13 Friday
09:00 AM
Hatha Yoga
with Chenoa Lorenzo
1 hour
In Studio Class